Manage Applicants

Enhance the application experience for startups with our user-friendly “Apply to Program” feature. It simplifies the application process, enabling startups to easily present their ideas and qualifications, making it easier for them to connect with your program.

Initial Screening and Filtration

Efficiently screen and filter applications with our advanced algorithms. Quickly identify the most promising startups using predefined criteria, ensuring that only qualified applicants move forward in the process, saving you valuable time and resources.

Invite Mentors & Judges from Anywhere

Expand your pool of expertise by inviting judges from anywhere in the world. Our software allows you to connect with industry professionals, investors, and experts, ensuring a diverse and knowledgeable panel for evaluation.

Customize Your Scoring System

Tailor your scoring system to match your program's specific needs and evaluation criteria. With our software, you have the flexibility to create custom scoring methodologies, weights, and criteria, ensuring accurate and fair assessments.

Email Notification System

Keep all stakeholders informed and engaged with our comprehensive email notification system. Automate communication by sending updates, reminders, and notifications to startups, judges, mentors, and other participants.

Invite Mentors and Trainers

Enrich the experience for startups by inviting experienced mentors and trainers to support their journey. Our software facilitates seamless mentor and trainer invitation, enabling startups to benefit from invaluable guidance and expertise.

Dynamic Program Design

Design and customize your program dynamically with our flexible tools. Tailor the program structure, stages, and milestones to align with your organization's objectives and the unique needs of the startups you support

Manage Mentorships & Training Sessions

Effortlessly manage mentorships and training sessions within our software. Facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing between mentors, trainers, and startups, ensuring a nurturing and supportive environment for growth

Manage Multiple Programs

efficiently add & manage multiple programs at the same time. It streamlines the setup process, enabling users to quickly configure and deploy multiple incubator or accelerator programs, saving valuable time and ensuring consistency across different programs

Control User Permissions

Maintain control and security with our user permission management system. Assign different roles and access levels to administrators, judges, mentors, trainers, and other users, ensuring data privacy and smooth program management

Save time and effort

We excel in collaborating seamlessly with your preferred platforms

Easy Integration

Quick Product Overview


Can I add multiple programs at the same time?

Yes, GrowthLabs enables you to add and manage multiple incubation and acceleration programs simultaneously, streamlining the setup process for your incubator or accelerator.

How can I export reports in GrowthLabs?

GrowthLabs allows you to export reports in both CSV and PDF formats. Simply navigate to the report page and use the “Export to CSV” or “Export to PDF” buttons.

How does the screening feature work?

The screening feature lets you assign one judge to screen all applicants, create groups of judges for specific applicants, or have a group of judges review all startups, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation process.

Can I customize my program design in GrowthLabs?

Absolutely. Program managers can design custom programs, including defining program cycles, setting start and end dates, and configuring each step to suit their needs.

How does GrowthLabs track mentor and startup interactions?

GrowthLabs tracks tasks assigned between mentors and startups and records attendance rates for both parties, providing valuable insights into engagement and program effectiveness.

What kind of reports can I generate in GrowthLabs?

You can generate detailed and customizable reports to analyze program performance, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions, all exportable in CSV and PDF formats.

Our Packages

Take a look of our Pricing and select Your Choice

Basic Plan

$500 / Mo

  • 10 startup accounts
  • Receive Applications
  • Judging Accounts
  • 3 Mentors Accounts
  • Training Module

Gold Plan

$1000 / Mo

  • 40 Startups Accounts
  • Receive Applications
  • Judges Accounts
  • 10 Mentors Accounts
  • Full Training Capacity

Platinum Plan

$2000 / Mo

  • Unlimited Startup Accounts
  • Receive Unlimited Applications
  • Unlimited Judges Accounts
  • Unlimited Mentors Account
  • Full Training Modules